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Studio Calendar & Enrollment
- The studio calendar year runs from September through June.
- All communication is sent via email, please keep your address current.
- The school year will consist of 36 weeks of classes held over a nine-month period.
- A student may join at any time from September through January, if there is space available. Students planning to participate in the annual recital must be in class by November.
- The studio will be closed for major holidays & school vacations - please see our Yearly Calendar page.
Refunds & Credits
- Registration Fees are non-refundable.
- Credit will not be given for missed classes due to illness, snow days or personal commitments. You are welcome to make-up up to 3 classes missed during the first semester.
- TA-DAH! Studio of Dance reserves the right to cancel any class with insufficient registration (at least 3 students are required to run a class). A full refund will be issued.
BABY BALLET ONLY: Baby Ballet classes run in 6-week sessions. Tuition is due on the first class of each session. Tuition refunds will not be given for Baby Ballet classes.
- If a very young student is not ready to participate in class after several visits, a tuition refund will be given.
Payments & Balances
- Payments may be made online or at the office.
- When making a payment by check, please include your dancer's first and last names in the memo of your check, so we may credit the proper account.
- Returned check fee is $25.00.
- Tuition for each semester is due on the first day of class within that semester. Refunds will be given through the third week of the semester. Students must notify the office of withdrawal; non-attendance does not constitute notification of withdrawal.
- BABY BALLET ONLY: Baby Ballet classes run in 6-week sessions. Tuition is due on the first class of each session. Tuition refunds will not be given for Baby Ballet classes.
- You WILL NOT be receiving a statement from our office for your semester tuition. You may check your account online at any time.
- Any account unpaid 15 days after tuition is charged will have late charges assessed.
- If you would like a printed statement of your account at any time, you may request one.
- OVERDUE BALANCES ONLY: A statement will be mailed and/or emailed for the amount due with late charges assessed.
- Any student with an overdue balance of more than 60 days will not be allowed into class until payment in full is received or payment arrangements have been made.
- If, for any reason, you decide to discontinue your classes (after the 3-week grace period), you are not obligated to pay for the balance of the school year. However, you will be held responsible for any other non-refundable balances due (costumes, tights, etc.).
- Student performance costumes will not be sent home if a balance remains on your account. All balances must be paid beforehand.
Weather & Sick Cancellations
- We will hold classes except under dangerous driving conditions. Please use your discretion when commuting to the studio. You can call email the office ( if you are not sure.
- Studio closings will be emailed to the impacted classes and when possible, posted to our social media pages (Instagram and Facebook).
- If TA-DAH! cancels a class, students will be responsible for arranging their own make-up classes at a time that is convenient for them. No credit will be given for snow cancellations; however, students are always welcome to attend make-up classes for any missed classes.
Missed Classes
- Students may make up any class missed in any age-appropriate class of their choice. Please contact the office to schedule your make-up classes. Make-up classes may be limited during the spring months due to recital preparations.
- Credit will not be given for missed classes due to illness, snow days or personal vacations, etc.
- Our annual recital will be held on the first Sunday in June. Our performance takes place at the Groton-Dunstable Performing Arts Center in Groton, MA.
- Participation is optional, however we do encourage all students to take advantage of this exciting performance opportunity!
- Recital Agreements will be sent out in November/December. Once signed and returned, you cannot change your mind.
- Costume deposits will be charged in November/December. Costume balances will be posted in the spring. Your deposit is your agreement to pay any balance due in the spring.
- All recital participants will be charged a Recital Package fee that covers the cost of dress rehearsal, recital photos, a digital copy of the show, and a recital t-shirt. This fee is due in the spring.
- Food is not allowed in the lobby. Only water is allowed in the lobby and classrooms.
- A student area is provided for dance bags, coats and shoes to be put away neatly. Street shoes are not allowed in classrooms.
- A Parents Only area is provided at the end of the waiting area. Students should not leave their belongings there.
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